
Friday, 23 September 2016

Learning Comment- Task 8

From completing task 8, I have a clearer idea of what the audience want from the music videos and which codes and conventions they would enjoy seeing from the music video.

From doing a survey about music assumption and what the audience want from a music video, I found the majority of people who watched music video watched it on YouTube. The most popular genre of music videos is Pop and Indie.
When asked the question "Do you prefer music videos that follow a narrative or do you prefer performance based music videos?" there wasn't a significant difference between narrative and performance responses. Many people said that they watch music videos to be entertained, because they add meaning to the lyrics and help with the understanding. The responses that said they don't watch music video is because 'I enjoy music for what it is, not the image behind it'. Lighting and mise en scene are considered important for the music video, which means I will have to be creative and careful when planning and filming.
The majority of the participants responded that there is nothing in particular they want to see from a music video.

Task 2 has helped me identify key theories used in music videos and the effect this has over the whole of the music video. One of the key theorists that I found was Andrew Goodwin who stated that music videos feature many close ups in order to develop artist's 'star persona'. I found this theory was shown in the majority of music videos I researched.

The research of Task 3 allowed me to get inspiration and ideas for my own music video such as what the audience liked and disliked about the previous student's music video.

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