
Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Analysis of Digipaks

Learning Comment:
By completing this research task I have learnt what elements and features are needed to make a digipak effective and successful. The things I have discovered need to be included in the digipak are:

  • An image of the artist to show their identity and reinforce it to the audience
  • An engaging and creative image for the digipak for example something unique and different so that it engages the audience by attracting their attention. 
  • A sense of synergy throughout the whole digipak so that it creates a clear and united branding image
  • Include a CD and a disk tray
From doing this research I now can apply what I found out from my analysis when I design and create my own digipak, to make sure that it fits all the necessary codes and conventions such as including a disk tray and from completing this research task I have also found some inspiration from other digipaks which I found to be effective at engaging my attention. 

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